Become a Registered Engineering Associate

Registered Engineering Associates (REAs) are experienced senior engineering technicians, technologists or engineering science professionals who have met the bar for a statutory credential. REAs are bound by a Code of Ethics and the REA credential confirms engineering competency to a demanding standard.

Becoming an REA can encourage career development and continual professional development while providing a nationally recognised and transferrable engineering quality mark to expand your career opportunities. Awarded under the Engineering Associates Act 1961, the statutory REA credential is a respected technical engineering qualification that has achieved national and international recognition.

REAs are technical engineers who have:

  • been independently assessed for their technical engineering competency
  • a high level of technical engineering achievement
  • a high level of proficiency and competence
  • a high reputation among the engineering workforces
  • engineering supervisory experience
  • followed a career path that includes technical engineer education, experience, and supervisory skills.

REAs have:

  • accreditation under the Engineering Associates Act (1961) (EA Act)
  • a track record of applied engineering competency and supervisory experience
  • shown they use sound engineering principles and judgement.

REAs will also have:

at least 6 years of relevant experience and a recognised academic qualification at Level 6 or above under the NZ Qualifications Framework (e.g. NZ Diploma in Engineering (NZDE), BEngTech, NZ Certificate in Engineering (NZCE), other recognised NZ qualification or a recognised overseas qualification).


at least 12 years of relevant experience (i.e., an academic qualification is not required) and provided evidence of proficient engineering knowledge through submission of a written statement. 

Being an REA confirms an essential level of management ability where there is significant risk of possible serious harm to life or property. These risks are ever present in works involving supply of energy, infra-structure services, transport and roading, civil and structural construction integrity, buildings environmental systems, communications and control, health sector engineering services, marine, and aviation engineering.

The Engineering Associates Registration Board (EARB) also encourages REAs to join a voluntary competency assessed practitioner (REAcap) scheme. This requires REAs to provide evidence that they are continuing to maintain technical currency and competency. This validation is repeated every four years and those currently holding REA or REAcap are listed on the website which is regularly updated. 

For further information see the EARB website here: You can also contact the EARB Registrar by calling (04) 472 3324, or by emailing